De Login() functie word aangeroepen in de Start() functie (kan overal aangeroepen worden):StartCoroutine(Login()); //call the function with StartCoroutine() this because the function is of 'IEnumerator' type
De login functie:
IEnumerator Login() { //the function has the return type: IEnumerator, this is needed when working with Yield and coroutine's
WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); //form which is handled as a normal html form by the php-page
form.AddField("inlogName", formNick); //add a field to the form in the format: AddField("name","value");
form.AddField("inlogPassword", formPassword);
WWW w = new WWW(URL, form); //a webRequest
yield return w; //yielding a variable will return this function (so other code can run), however intern it is waiting
//till 'w' is finish downloading, when 'w' is finished the code after the return will be called
if (w.error != null) {
Debug.Log(w.error); //log a possible error
} else {
formText = w.data; //here we collect the data from the website (this is the bron-code from the website, incl php echo's)
w.Dispose(); //clear the form in game
formNick = ""; //clean the inlog information
formPassword = "";
Een simpel php-mySql/database connectie script:<?php
$inlogName = $_POST["inlogName"];
$inlogPassword = $_POST["inlogPassword"];
$db_server = "*************";
$db_inlogName = "****";
$db_inlogPassword = "****";
$db_name = "SCORES";
echo " connection made ";
echo $inlogName;
echo $inlogPassword;
//make connection
$dbCon = mysql_connect($db_server,$db_inlogName,$db_inlogPassword) or die("Error connection to DB");
$query = "SELECT * FROM scores LIMIT 0 , 30";
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result) {
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
//print the information
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
echo $row['name']."\n";
echo $row['password']." - ";
echo "worked?";
Ten behoeve van het testen, stuur ik vanuit unity een aantal waarden mee, deze worden in deze versie nog niet gebruikt (inlogName, inlogPassword).
Ik heb ten behoeve van de bescherming van mijn eigen database de inloggegevens hiervan verborgen door er '*' te tekenen.